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Green Party

At club last week I learned a word I already knew. If that sounds a bit weird the story goes like this:

In one game I considered playing KEGGER. A party where someone brings a keg of beer. It wasn’t a bingo, and although it was the best play I doubted myself. Had I seen it in the dictionary? Could it be a kiwi colloquialism that hadn’t been included yet? I found another play that was reasonable, if not quite as good, but at least I checked later. It was there and did have the meaning I thought. So I learned a word I already knew. Not only am I am now sure that word is allowed in scrabble, but I also learned that a young salmon is called a SKEGGER. There is a nice hook I would like to use sometime!


A Grade Challenge

These are all 8 letter words for you to find.


N     O     T     G     R     E     E     N

M     A     D     G     R     E     E     N

G     R     E     E     N     A     N     T

G     R     E     E     N     M     U     D

G     R     E     E     N     E     M     U



B and C Grade Study List


This is a full list of all the 7 and 8 letter words which contain the word GREEN in them somewhere, even if it doesn’t refer to the colour green

GREENBUG – a green aphid

GREENED – became green

GREENER – more green

GREENERS – newly arrived immigrants

GREENERY – green vegetation

GREENEST – the most green

GREENEYE – a small Atlantic fish

GREENFLY – a green aphid

GREENIE – a conservationist

GREENIER – more than somewhat green

GREENIES – conservationists

GREENING – a variety of apple. (So takes an -S)

GREENISH – somewhat green

GREENLET – small American songbird

GREENLIT – to have been given a go ahead signal

GREENLY – in a green way

GREENTH – the state of being green. GREENTHS

GREENWAY – a corridor of undeveloped land in a city

NONGREEN – not green

REGREEN – to green again. REGREENS

SENGREEN – a plant which often grows on roofs

SHAGREEN – the rough skin of certain sharks and rays

UNGREEN – not green

The theme this week was inspired by a game I had with Andrew. There was a Y in the middle of the board. It would have been nice to play an 8 letter word down to it. The rack was AEEGNR and a blank. There were two words that would have fitted --- REAGENCY and GREENWAY, but neither of us saw either of them. When I showed the situation to Alexander after the game he was immediately onto the right format, just unfortunately with the wrong letter. He suggested greenday, just making the blank the wrong letter. Unlucky, but interesting that he immediately seized on the GREEN subword.


Answers to A Grade Challenge


ROENTGEN – unit of radiation dosage – also RONTGEN

GENDARME – a French policeman

GENERANT – a line which traces out a figure

DUNGMERE – a manure pit

MERENGUE – a Caribbean ballroom dance




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