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Toast the New Year

A Grade Challenge


E     E     H     I     L     N     O     P


There are 4 words to find from the combination in today’s challenge.

Challenge 1: There are 2 words of 8 letters that can be made

Challenge 2: There are 2 words of 7 letters that can be made by discarding one of the letters and anagramming the rest

The letters look promising so you would think that you could make lots of 7 letter words, but there are only two that are possible. Those two words are not anagrams of each other, so if you find one of them you will need to discard a different letter to find the other.


B and C Grade Study List

Toast the New Year with MERLOT. We shall look at all the 7 letter words you can make with one extra letter. Perhaps this list isn’t high probability enough to be a priority, but sometimes you look at words for fun, and there are certainly some unusual words. This may be a list for A Graders as well because even they might learn a new word

MERLOT + B = TEMBLOR, an earth tremor

MERLOT + C = CORMLET, part of a stem

MERLOT + I = MOTLIER, more varied in colour

MERLOT + M = TROMMEL, a revolving sieve

MERLOT + O = TREMOLO, a vibrating musical effect

MERLOT + P = PREMOLT, preceding a molt (also PREMOULT)



In Argentina you couldn’t find a merlot anywhere because the Argentinian vineyards produce a wine called malbec made from the malbec grape. Our team captain was particularly fond of it. But don’t play it, neither the grape variety nor the wine have been noticed by the people who write our dictionary. That won’t change with the 2024 update either


Answers to A Grade Challenge

NEOPHILE – A lover of things that are new

ENOPHILE – Someone who loves wine

Of the two words you might want to play the second one for two sneaky front hooks – OENOPHILE and XENOPHILE

The 7 letter words are PINHOLE and PIEHOLE


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